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Just a twentysomething living my life and, as most my age, figuring it out as I go,

Monday, January 5, 2015

Pieces of Manna

At the end of 2014, I took on a grand total of 3 part time jobs. It was crazy, it was fun, it was tiring. I know several people who have worked multiple jobs, just like I was. And I shouldn't say anything, but I was also beginning support raising for London, had friends that I like to keep up with, and enjoy the occasional (or binges of) Netflix. I know, I know. I can live without the last one, but c'mon, "Friends" just came to Netflix!!!

Now before you stop reading, because it sounds like I'm about to complain about how busy I was or how many thing I have going on, hear this: I am not complaining. I love it! I love this little infinity I've been given (any of you TFIOS fans will understand that one). I've seen so many blessings in this year of work after graduation. It's been incredible so far, and I know it will just continue to be a fun, crazy, difficult time of transition into working life.

That being said, I was exhausted. I would run place to place, work crazy hours at 2 (then 3) jobs, exhaust my alone time by being with friends or taking care of other errands. And by the time I got home at the end of the day, I was pooped!
I'm sure you can relate! And so, I slept later in the mornings, I chose selfish ways to spend my free time-which usually consisted of Netflix and laying around. And I took my pieces of manna and expected them to last me days or weeks, or sometimes even months. I would maybe get up early once a week and have some quiet time with God and call it good for the next few days so I could sleep in. I would sometimes skip church on Sundays so I could sleep in and then get things done around the house, but tried to substitute God-focused conversations with people for the real thing.

I've now dropped one job, and am beginning 2015 with a better idea of time management. But still, I spend my time unwisely.

And my manna goes bad. Just like the Israelites in the desert, my manna only lasts for one day. I can't store it up, like I foolishly try to do. And I certainly can't substitute imitation manna for the real thing.

I was talking to my support raising coach a few weeks ago, and at the end of our call, she prayed that I would come to seek God daily and that He would give me just enough energy for one day-not for several days or one week.

That's all I need!

I just need enough manna for one day. For 24 hours.

And after that, it's time to throw out the old, rotten manna and start fresh with a new day. Recently, I was talking to a friend who is still in school. She was feeling overwhelmed by work, by school, by social events, etc. And I told her, take it a day at a time. That's all you can focus on. That's probably one of the best lessons I've learned in life. It does NO good to worry about anything past today. And who knows if you even get anything more than today's manna anyway?

So join me in praying that we ask only for enough manna to last through today. That we approach God daily, asking for the energy and strength and peace to do what we need for the next 24 hours. And at the end of the day, we throw out anything we weren't able to do, and start fresh again for tomorrow.

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