Sharing the Love of our King with people in the outskirts of London, England.
About Me

- Seriously Searcey
- Just a twentysomething living my life and, as most my age, figuring it out as I go,
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Relevant Mag ::[The Justice Side of Porn]::
Friday, May 17, 2013
I Love Irony
Irony is probably my favorite form of rhetoric. And it has been very apparent in my life recently.
My latest show of this has been in what this summer holds. A few weeks before school ended, I wrote down a prayer for this summer-that I wouldn't be alone, that I would be given opportunities to serve, that He would use me in doing a Justice Seminar, and that I would find a job for the summer.
I had forgotten about that until Tuesday night. I flipped to the back of the notebook where I'd written it, and reread this plea.
I had no clue that before noon the next day, He would have answered every bit of that prayer. That, my friends, is irony!
Also, on a funnier note, the past two summers, the same day I am just steps away from turning my application in at Chickfila, God sets another job in front of me. I think maybe that's a sign that I shouldn't be working at Chickfila! (But I'll still,be eating there!)
Irony is the most intriguing thing to me, especially when you really give it the appreciation it deserves.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
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Picture from Passion 2013 |
End It Movement |
Monday, May 13, 2013
Summer Adventures: Let it Begin!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Today You Will Be With Me in Paradise
As I read through several different issues, I got to a story about a 4 year old girl in India who was raped, and recently died in the hospital. It made me sick. It made me absolutely furious. I thought no one who would do such a thing to a child deserves to live. And then something stirred in me. I've said it multiple times, I'm so glad God is the judge and not me-I have no pity for those who do horrible acts to children. But the story of the thief on the cross in Luke 23 popped into my mind. This man was a sinner, but even in His worst moment, Jesus forgave him and welcomed him into paradise. I hope that in my quest for justice for those being trafficked that I can learn to love those who are seen as the bad guys too. Not that I can forgive their actions, but to see them as a person loved by Christ and welcomed, just like me, into paradise.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
[FBF]::Spring '13
My friends and I have a tradition called Fine Boy Finals week. Each finals week we take part in a semi-marathon of movies containing at least one person dubbed "fine boy". Its a little encouragement to get us through our finals. So in honor of FBF Spring '13, I give you this photo. Good luck on your finals this week (or next, or whenever)!
Life's An Adventure
"Life's an Adventure"
I have sort of adopted this as my montra since I got back from my semester abroad. Travel really opens your eyes to the little happinesses in life, so last summer I sought out seeing the mundane as an adventure. Overall, I'd say its going well-some days more than others. Somedays I get lost in the drone of routine, forgetting to look at the little gifts throughout my day and to smile. And recently I have had the thought cross my mind that I am not living an adventurous life! I am guilty of watching a few too many movies instead of hiking to a new nearby peak, or studying instead of going on a weekend trip someplace new. But I say "nay!" That's where the challenge is! Its easy to see adventure in spending time in a new country or in going on an outdoorsy challenge of caving or hiking. But the hidden adventure is seeing the joy in a low key night with friends. Or even more difficult, finding it amidst school work or jobs. That's part of growing up-which I don't plan to fully do any time soon, but its nice to see a glimmer of it every now and then.
Don't forget to be adventurous in big ways, but don't overlook it in the little ways either. It may just be hiding in the shadows! Each day is exciting and joy-filled, we just seem to overlook it.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Gone in a Blink
Today I have been very aware of what a wisp of smoke life is. Time is precious and is so easily wasted. So at the risk of sounding preachy, I just want to encourage and remind what a gift time is! Live life to the fullest and be aware of what a blessing it is each day! That's all. Just weighing on my heart today.